I stitch on fabric too
So far you've seen me cross stitch on some pretty unconventional materials - leather, bamboo, acrylic. But the shelves of my home studio are also filled with all kinds of fabric. And of course, fabric was where my stitching adventure began oh so many years ago.
I love the modern silhouette patterns that have been all the rage lately. So clean and simple and pretty when done up in a hoop. but I'm also a fan of pattern - the interplay of color and texture that keeps your eye interested. Patterns are also a whole lot more interesting to stitch than row after row of solid color.
The combination of modern silhouettes and fun graphic patterns was the inspiration for my new line of cross stitch charts. There are two up in the shop now, but more are coming.
My daughter has already laid claim to this little guy done in orange and blues.
The bunny I'll keep for myself.
Oh, one other nice thing about these patterns? They're quicker to stitch up than your standard one-color silhouette. You know I'm all about instant gratification. Head on over to the shop and check them out.