It's my grand opening! (And there's something in it for you too)
Yesterday I did it. I clicked 'publish' on my very first Etsy listing, and in doing so launched my new shop. It's been in the works for over a year now, and I could not be happier that it's finally happened. Best of all, it means I can finally show you what I've been working on all this time.
Quite a while ago I became interested in the idea of stitching on material that isn't generally stitched on - think plastic, wood, leather, and the like. I also fell in love with making all sorts of cross stitched jewelry. Combine the two, and you have my new line of bamboo and acrylic stitchable pendants.
Traditional patterns look amazing stitched up on such unconventional material.
You can see lots more in my new shop. I'm selling the pendants both as finished pieces and as kits so you can stitch up your own designs. To celebrate my grand opening, I'm offering free shipping through the end of the month, so head over to the shop and have yourself a look!
Oh, and pendants aren't the only thing I've been working on. More stitchable accessories are on the way, so stay tuned!