The granddaddy of my floss collection
Earlier this week I got to do one of my favorite things: comb through my floss stash looking for inspiring color combinations. Picking colors for a project is almost as fun as the stitching itself.
I don't have any fancy organization scheme for my floss, just a divided box with warm colors in one compartment, cool in another, and neutrals in their own. I love the way the colors mingle together, overlapping and entwining and hinting at unexpected combinations.
I was in a green frame of mind during this particular color-picking session, and came across this beauty that must have been in my stash for a long time.
Notice the label of DMC 993 compared to its newer friend. The typewriter font, the smaller size, no barcode. Who knows when I purchased it, probably decades ago.
No matter. It stitched up beautifully. It's too soon to share the finished product with you - part of a collection I'm working on that I couldn't be more excited about - but soon!